Anise Simon

Anise Simon is a reproductive health advocate and non-profit administrator. She is an alumnus of Brandeis Collegiate Institute through American Jewish University and a co-founder of the original Triangle Moishe House (Durham, NC). Anise provides regular coaching rooted in strategy, network weaving, and systems design in her role as a supervisor at a national membership body. As a racial and reproductive justice facilitator, they enjoy weaving themes about space and belonging, “wrestling” with Jewish text, and connecting values with our religious and cultural traditions. Recently, Anise’s work was featured at the interfaith Spiritual Alliance of Communities Reproductive Dignity (SACReD) Gathering. Anise grew up in Jewish communities in both the US and the Caribbean and currently lives between South Florida and New York with her partner and her dog. Their work through We Testify and the National Network of Abortion Funds supports nuanced storytelling and expanding abortion access. Anise enjoys community organizing, vegetable gardens, and live music. You can find her online @Aniseyy and @AbortionStories. More of Anise’s work: - “Tikkun Olam” by Anise Simon & Sarah Crowe Comics For Choice: an anthology of comics about abortion - “I’m the Third Generation of My Family Working For Abortion Access. For Us, It’s About Tikkun Olam.” by Anise Simon Lilith Magazine

Anise Simon Favorite Subjects



Introduction to Judaism

Jews of Color


Social Justice/Tikkun Olam


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5802 Monroe Road
Charlotte, NC 28212