Rabbi Rebecca Kaufman

Hello! I’m Rabbi Rebecca Kaufman and I serve as Assistant Rabbi at Congregation Beth Chaim, a Reform synagogue in West Windsor, NJ. I also officiate community life cycle events including weddings, b’nei mitzvah services, funerals, and baby namings for couples and families not affiliated with a synagogue. I love bringing the richness of Jewish tradition to modern living. Teaching adults was one of the first things that drew me to become a rabbi -- who says the learning should stop when we’ve completed school?

Prior to becoming a rabbi, I worked for seven years in the nonprofit sector, designing and leading programs focused on philanthropy and purposeful careers. I love bringing my nonprofit facilitation and adult learning background to my rabbinic work. I was ordained by HUC-JIR in 2023 and I received my AB in History from Princeton University.

I hope you’ll consider learning with me to explore Jewish holidays, texts, prayer, spirituality, history, values and more. I live in New Jersey with my husband, Tavi, and my two young children. When I’m not teaching, meeting with congregants, leading on the bimah, or working with wedding couples, you can find me at our local playground chasing two small people, cooking something new, or on a family hike!

Rabbi Rebecca Kaufman Favorite Subjects

Grief & Mourning

Hebrew Language


Introduction to Judaism


Jewish Denominations / aka Streams of Judaism

Jewish Values (Middot)

Life Cycle

Literature (Stories, Poetry)





The Structure of Jewish Texts

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5802 Monroe Road
Charlotte, NC 28212