Rabbi April Davis

Learning is best when coupled with generous sides of life, laughter, and chocolate: as a perpetually curious person, this is my approach. I especially love delving into the world of Jewish texts and traditions and exploring how our lives intersect with Jewish wisdom to create meaning. As a second (third…maybe fourth) career rabbi whose path has been rich and winding, I have a lot of life and Torah to share.

The past eight years, I worked with individuals from all walks of life who wanted to engage with Jewish tradition in the Exploring Judaism program at Central Synagogue. Always, my goal was to connect students with learning relevant to them, from ancient Torah to modern Jewish fiction, feminist scholarship to the latest in Jewish social media. Together we created a web of meaning and authentic connection.

Previously, I was a chaplain intern in a palliative care unit, taught English literature at a boarding school run by Benedictine monks, and was a social worker with children and families affected by AIDS. I received an M.Div. from Harvard Divinity School and ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. I grew up in Iowa, went to college in New England, lived in Jerusalem for a year and NYC for a decade before settling in a small town in Western Massachusetts. As I said, the path has been winding and rich.

I’d love to learn with you and about you. Chocolate optional (but recommended).

Rabbi April Davis Favorite Subjects

Comprehensive Jewish Literacy


Grief & Mourning



Introduction to Judaism

Jewish Calendar

Jewish Denominations / aka Streams of Judaism

Judaism and Comparative Religion


Life Cycle

Literature (Stories, Poetry)








The Structure of Jewish Texts

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5802 Monroe Road
Charlotte, NC 28212